Blueberry Sausage Salad

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This Blueberry Sausage Salad with lightly marinated red onions, pistachios, and goat’s cheese is light yet filling and with a great flavour and texture profile. Perfect for the July 4 celebration!

Hello everyone! I hope you’re doing well. So am I – thanks for asking. Can you believe it’s almost the end of June, and my next post will be already in July? Gosh, this time! Sorry, I cannot waste this precious time complaining (about the time haha), and I’d rather keep it short and sweet this time again and focus on this delicious recipe. Besides, both Canada and the USA are celebrating their holidays this week, and I believe this Blueberry Sausage Salad would be a great idea for this kind of occasion! (Even though huge gatherings and potlucks might not be welcomed in some places yet.)

(On a side note, I haven’t broken my pattern yet. Crostini – Salad – Crostini – Salad – Crostini. Right now I am working on another salad recipe, and I am posting later this week guess what? Correct – another crostini recipe. Most likely, I will do something different next week, for a change. Pasta, flatbread, dip, sorbet, crumble or cold soup – what do you think I should post first?)

Let’s back to this Blueberry Sausage Salad, though. This recipe features the following:

  • luscious fresh blueberries;
  • lightly marinated red onions (Olive oil, balsamic, honey, ginger);
  • salted pistachios;
  • pungent goat’s cheese;
  • crispy sausages.

Of course, sausages are optional (They’re not, in my book), so you can substitute or simply omit them (Please don’t!) The combination of blueberries and sausage might sound off for someone, but it perfectly works! In fact, I have a similar recipe on the blog – Corn Sausage Blueberry Salad, and I must make it again!

I hope I’ve convinced you to make this Blueberry Sausage Salad, and you’ll enjoy it shortly, for a celebration or any other occasion.


3 thoughts on “Blueberry Sausage Salad

  1. David @ Spiced says:

    Hey, I love crostini and salads, so keep ’em coming! We were just talking this morning about going blueberry picking this weekend…and then I see this salad recipe. What perfect timing! The sweet + savory combination sounds quite tasty. Happy Canada Day, my friend!
    David @ Spiced recently posted…Grilled French ToastMy Profile

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