Pumpkin Pork Stew

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Pumpkin Pork Stew with real pumpkin puree, herbs, and spices is a delicious and tender autumn dish.

This post was originally published in October 2015. I have taken and uploaded new photos while the recipe and text remain unchanged. Also, this time instead of sweet potato hash I made potato & celery root mash. 

Did you know guys yesterday was National Pumpkin Day?

What are you saying? Did you know that? And didn’t tell me? Well, that was very mean of you.

Indeed, if last year I tried to follow at least some days in the food month calendars, this year I’ve been out of this game.

I’m totally okay to miss most of those holidays (some of them sound just ridiculous to me). But there’re some days I’d love to contribute to as a food blogger. National Pumpkin Day was one of them. I mean, it’s almost like to miss a Lavender Day #Ben’sNightmare.

By the way, do we have a Lavender Day? If not, should we establish it?

Perhaps, I should use this post as a reminder for some future food days I’ve got to participate.

  • National Oatmeal Day, on October, 29
  • National Deviled Egg Day, on November, 2
  • National Chicken Day, on November, 14
  • National Cookie Day, on December, 4
  • National Donut Day, on November, 5
  • National Ice Cream Day, on December, 13
  • National Maple Syrup Day, on December, 17

Well, at least, I’ve already got the recipes and photographs for all this day. Now it’s important not to post them too early, haha.

As you see, there’s no a single lavender day. But at least I have a legal right to make (and probably eat) some donuts. That’s not going to compensate me for this lack of lavender, but anyways.

In the meanwhile, I’ve brought this Pumpkin Pork Stew to you, folks. I hope this helps to excuse me for having missed National Pumpkin Day.

I already mentioned in this Apple Sage Pork Stew that I made the pork two ways two days in a row. Don’t judge us, please. Pork cooked in a delicious pumpkin sauce with garlic, sage, smoked paprika, maple syrup, and a blend of spices is so soft and delicate. It has a subtle sweet aftertaste. I cannot say that it has a distinctive pumpkin taste so this stew won’t scare the folks who are not fond of pumpkins.

I wasn’t thinking too long what kind of the side I would make to pair with this pork because sweet potatoes and pumpkins are meant to be together! And even though both sweet potatoes and pumpkin are sweet (surprise!), there’s no reason to worry about. As I said, the flavors are balanced out with spices.

So, if you’re looking for a comfort fall meal, this Pumpkin Pork Stew, perhaps, is a great option!

What about you, folks? Do you have some food days you’re waiting for? Would you take part in a Lavender Food Day if existed?

10 thoughts on “Pumpkin Pork Stew

  1. karrie @ Tasty Ever After says:

    I miss every single food holiday of every single year. My bad. I’m glad you didn’t miss pumpkin day and made this yummy fall recipe (especially with my fav smoked paprika in it). I have a small pumpkin from my CSA and I didn’t know what to do with it…until now…I’m gonna make some pork stew with it! BTW, I’ll sign your petition for declaring Lavender Day a national holiday.
    karrie @ Tasty Ever After recently posted…Homemade Jamaican Jerk BaconMy Profile

  2. Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary says:

    I had no clue yesterday was national pumpkin day! Soooo, how mean of YOU not to tell me until now! ;) Speaking of national days, you should absolutely establish a lavender day! Anyways, this stew looks wonderful! Believe it or not, I have never had Pumpkin with Pork before! I know, where the heck have I been living? Obviously, I need to make this happen because it looks delish! Cheers, buddy! P.S. Thanks for sharing all the upcoming national food holidays!! <3
    Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary recently posted…Snickers Lava Mug CakeMy Profile

  3. Shashi at RunninSrilankan says:

    Oh No – I missed National Pumpkin Day! And tomorrow is National Oatmeal day???? GAH – I am so so behind when it comes to food holidays! But you are right Ben – there’s no National Lavender Day – so yes – yes I think YOU should start one – unless you are on board with what David said!
    By the way – love your combo of those spices with pumpkin and maple in this hearty and delicious stew!
    Shashi at RunninSrilankan recently posted…Warm, Curried 3 Pepper SaladMy Profile

  4. petitgourmetsd says:

    Hey Ben! Yes I did knew and posted my pie recipe late on Sunday! hehehe but I am with you most of those National days just sound a bit weird to me… Devil egg day?? I mean who came up with these celebrations? somebody had a lot of time to kill I guess.. back to your pork recipe, looks totally delicious, well done! hugs!
    petitgourmetsd recently posted…Pumpkin and speculoos cookies butter pieMy Profile

  5. David @ Spiced says:

    Wait. Why do we need a lavender day? You can make Lavender Oatmeal, Lavender Deviled Eggs, Lavender Chicken…and I’m sure you’ve already made Lavender Ice Cream and Lavender Maple Salad, right? :-) See…no need for lavender day when every day is already lavender day! Haha…I totally kid. Loving this pumpkin + pork combo here. This sounds like an incredible Autumn dinner!
    David @ Spiced recently posted…Oreo CheesecakeMy Profile

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