Lobster Shrimp Pasta

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This herbaceous, garlicky, and creamy Lobster Shrimp Pasta is a light, right, but relatively light dish.

Hello, my friends. I hope you are ready to start a new week off. I am ready and very excited. First of all, next Friday I am having an extra day off which only means four working days for me this week. Also, Monday 20th is an official holiday which means the extended weekend followed by the short week again. Isn’t it great?

I am going to keep it’s super simple and short this time. I’ve enjoyed good weather this weekend (Which was a bizarre thing to happen after a few rainy weekends in a row.) But guess what? Starting Monday, we’re hitting another period of rains, for almost week, not stop. Who needs good weather in May, especially on weekends, right?

So, I believe this creamy Lobster Shrimp Pasta is a great recipe to enjoy on a rainy and gloomy day or any other day. This recipe is rich and decadent because of some heavy cream and cream cheese, but it’s not extremely heavy, and you could enjoy it during the summer time when you crave for lighter pasta sauces.

For this recipe, I used a can of frozen lobster meat (I found in the freezer a can bought before Christmas!), but you can cook and use fresh lobster.

Either way, you’ll get a satisfying and delicious dish.

Cheers for now.

3 thoughts on “Lobster Shrimp Pasta

  1. Neil says:

    Hope you are enjoying your long weekend Ben! I share your pain with all the rain you are having. I had planned to get the BBQ out yesterday but when I got up in the morning it was already raining! Still this looks like the sort of hearty creamy pasta dish that you can enjoy all year round no matter what the weather. Yum!
    Neil recently posted…Red Pepper and Spinach FrittataMy Profile

  2. David @ Spiced says:

    I love a good creamy pasta, and the lobster in here definitely takes this to a whole new level. I hope the rains stay away for your upcoming long weekend…I’m jealous! :-) But, hey, if it rains a bunch, then that’s a good excuse to stay inside and cook delicious food, right?? Hope you have a great Monday, Ben!
    David @ Spiced recently posted…S’mores BrowniesMy Profile

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