Lavender Lemonade

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This deicious and refreshing Lavender Lemonade with a delicate floral flavour is a perfect way to relax on a hot summer day.

This post was originally published in June 2015. I have taken and uploaded new photos, but the recipe and blogpost remain unchanged. 

Well, it’s already the end of June, and I feel a bit anxious about the food I cook and recipes I share here. Did you ever have that feeling that the season is almost over, but you haven’t been fully enjoying it yet? To say that summer is over could sound too dramatic, though. But anyway I feel like I could have done much better.

Need the examples? Okay. What is summer about indeed?

  • Fruit and berry tarts/pies/cakes – failed
  • Dips – failed
  • Chilled Soups – failed
  • Ice Cream – failed
  • Lemonades – failed

Am I being too hard on myself?

The bottom line is I’ve got to bounce back. And yes – I’m being a bit hard on myself. In fact, there is some perfectly summer stuff such as ice cream and dips is about to be posted.

And now about lemonades…

While most of the food bloggers I know are being responsible and have posted at least one (or even more!) amazing lemonade ideas, I’m doing that only now. Well, at least it’s not October yet, right?

We’ve been enjoying lemonades for all this month. Moreover, I’ve even tried a few ideas you guys posted. But it’s always hard to shoot lemonade. And I’m not talking about a technical part of photographing now – it’s critical too. But on a hot day it’s so hard to take any pictures before lemonade is gone. It happens in no time. Perhaps, it just evaporates due to hot temperature. Does that make any sense?

Anyways, homemade lemonade always is a better option! Let’s be honest – water is the best option, but lemonades do work as well. Importantly, you can adjust everything in a lemonade from an intensity of flavors to a level of sweetness or acidity. Great news, eh?

Lemonade is definitely the quintessence of summer freshness.

And guess which lemonade did I make first this summer? Hard question, isn’t it? I tried lavender lemonade first time two years back, and since that it’s been one of my favorite flavors. It’s fun how different this lemonade turns every time you make it depending on the intensity of lavender or citrus acidity. The only one thing I should mention that it’s always better put a bit less lavender than a bit too much. You can even substitute sugar for honey, and honey will nicely smooth out the lavender taste.

Oh boy, I wish I had this right now…

So guys, if you haven’t kicked off your lemonade season, it’s time my friends! Believe me, it’s quite a short one!

16 thoughts on “Lavender Lemonade

  1. Ben Maclain|Havocinthekitchen says:

    Summer will inevitability be over, sooner or later (likely sooner). Ho-ho-ho (sinister laughing). Sorry, Emanuele, couldn’t resist:) You’re totally right! But we’ve been having quite warm days for over a month (I would say we had a lot of sweltering days) that few times I felt I fed up with summer, hahga:)

  2. Anu-My Ginger Garlic Kitchen says:

    No, I don’t feel that season is almost over. Summer has just begun where I live! I know, I know, we are running late! ;) And this lavender lemonade is just way too delicious! I wish I could have that stunning looking lemonade glass right away! Awesome share, Ben! :)

  3. cheyholzworth says:

    Ben, you are being WAYYYY too hard on yourself! But, I get it. I have been feeling the same way. I think July always makes us feel as though summer is almost over and about to slip through our grips, but think of it like this- summer officially JUST started! You create wonderful dishes and drinks on this blog and if you are not proud of yourself, well, just know I am proud of you! :) Enough sap. This lavendar lemonade looks and sounds wonderfully refreshing! Loving you and your lavendar moment! Cheers, buddy! xo
    cheyholzworth recently posted…Blueberry & Whipped Mint Mascarpone Crostini {with Almonds & Honey}My Profile

  4. annie@ciaochowbambina says:

    Okay…I think I have more Fails than you! I was feeling pret-ty good about myself until stopping over! ;) hahaha! Just kidding – but really – I’ve yet to make ice cream or drink homemade lemonade for that matter. And I have to be honest, I’ve never cooked with lavender or any flower, for that matter, however, your continual, gentle nudge has me rethinking this idea. Salute!
    annie@ciaochowbambina recently posted…Creamy Ricotta, Prosciutto & Sweet Peaches with Honey CrostiniMy Profile

  5. David @ Spiced says:

    Wow…that is one intense lemonade! I think the lavender addition would be quite nice actually. And don’t stress about time flying. I agree with you…how is it already July?? I feel like it should be April right about now. It’s easy to get caught up in the details and then lose the bigger picture. And by bigger picture, I mean sitting on the back porch on a warm summer day drinking lavender lemonade. I’m going to need to make that happen soon. Cheers!
    David @ Spiced recently posted…Watermelon DaiquirisMy Profile

  6. Emanuele @ guyslovecooking says:

    Oh please no, don’t tell me we are almost done with summer!!
    This is the first week we have in Amsterdam where the temperature is good enough not to wear a sweater! Don’t crush my summer dream
    The good things about food and recipe in the summer is that they hardly go very wrong. The ingredients are so easy and delivate that they just mix. Winter time is hard, because they are a lot of things to consider when making a dish.
    Enjoy these last few..err days?? Of summer
    This lemonade looks tempting, my only hope is that I can enjoy it over the weekend if weather doesn’t suddenly change, again
    Emanuele @ guyslovecooking recently posted…Pizza paniniMy Profile

    • Ben Maclain|Havocinthekitchen says:

      Summer will inevitability be over, sooner or later (likely sooner). Ho-ho-ho (sinister laughing). Sorry, Emanuele, couldn’t resist:) You’re totally right! But we’ve been having quite warm days for over a month (I would say we had a lot of sweltering days) that few times I felt I fed up with summer, hahga:)

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